Monday, September 3, 2007

From the right foot, 1, 2, 3.

The time has come.

We might not know a lot, but we know what we like, and two of the things we like are Badass Powerwalks and montages set to "Hallelujah". On this blog, these two great tastes can come together at last, like chocolate and hazelnuts! If you're allergic to nuts, chocolate and strawberries are also pretty nice. If you're allergic to strawberries, we can't help you out.

A montage set to "Hallelujah" is fairy self-explanatory (and always awesome), but a Badass Powerwalk may require some explanation:

In brief, it encapsulates that moment when, finally, our heroes have had enough and are prepared to lay down some serious smack. They have been kicked and kicked some more, and now it is time for them to kick back. They gather, and, staring sternly into the distance, walk towards the camera in slow motion, radiating badassery from every pore. Take that, vampire hordes/rival sports team/evil capitalists/demonic muppets/massive asteroid!

A BAPW is one of cinema's shining contributions to culture. Whether it be a straight take on the phenomenon or played for laughs, even the worst movie or TV series is enlivened by the presence of this dazzling creation.

This blog is dedicated to them.

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